(0) | $0.00

290 Wine Castle at Chateau de Chase

Gift Card

Gift Card

There are three ways to receive this digital gift card:

1. You can have the gift card email sent to you directly for you to use.

2. You can have the gift card email sent to you to then give or forward to someone else. (You only need the code included in the email to redeem the gift card online or in person.)

3. You can have the gift card email sent to another person.

If you would like the gift card email to be sent to you (the purchaser), enter only your information in the billing section. (Please make sure to enter a valid email address; this is where the code will be sent.) Please leave the shipping address section blank.

If you would like the gift card email sent to someone else, enter that person's address in the shipping section. (Again, please make sure you enter a valid email address for that person; that is where the code will be sent.) You will also have the option to enter a gift message.

Please note: our gift cards are by default digital codes sent and received by email. We can also email you a gift card certificate (with the same information) upon request.

Select the dropdown menu to elect the desired gift card amount.

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